donderdag 1 oktober 2015



4년 동안 한국에서 살아온 벨기에 학생 한명의 생활 업데이트

한국에서 산지 벌써 4년 됐구나라는 생각이 있어서 갑자기 블로그에 한 글을 더 올리고 싶었다! 

시간이 이렇게 빨리 지난 줄 진짜 몰랐다. 다시 생각해 보면 그 동안 나쁜 기억보다 좋은 기억과 경험들을 훨씬 더 많이 쌓았다. 처음에 한국으로 왔을 땐 한국어 한마디도 못했고 친구들이 한명도 없었는데 지금은 가족으로 여기는 친구들이 몇명 생겨서 고마운 마음으로 살고 있다. 

내 한국 생활의 첫해는 다른 정부장학생들과 같이 어학당 다녔을 때도 롤플레이 하면서 좋은 선생님 덕분에 한국어를 많이 배웠다. 지금 내 한국 실력이 아직도 많이 부족하기는 하지만 일상생활에 충분한 것 같고 그럭저럭 편하게 살아갈 수 있다.  어학당을  같이 다녔던 시간 또한 이미 귀국했던 어학당 친구들을 많이 그리워해서 앞으로 다시 마주칠 수 있길 바란다.

대학원에 입학했다가 진짜 악몽이나 지옥에 깊이 바찐 줄 알았다. 강의를 잘 알아듣기 위해 노력했더라도 교수님과 다른 학생들이 무슨 말씀인지 무엇에 대해 말씀하셨는지 모든 것을 다 이해못했기 때문에 갈수록 점점 더 절망해벼렸다. 포기해 야할 마음 뿐만 아니라 가족을 그리워했기 때문에 귀국하고 싶었다. 하지만 포기함을 허락하지 않은 좋은 친구들 덕분에 와신상담하며서 수료했을 때까지 계속 공부할 수 있었다.

지금은 수료한지 벌써 1년 넘게 되었으며 논문만 남았다. 논문을 빨리 마무리하려고 하는데 쉬운 일 아닌 것 같아서 조금 더 많이 걸릴 수도 있지만... 이미 끝까지 가기로 했으니까 끝까지 지켜봐야겠죠!

4년 동안 지원해 주신 가족과 친구들께 감사의 빚을 지고 있습니다! 진심으로 감사합니다! 그 동안 고마웠습니다! 사랑합니다! ^^ ♡

우와 이 글쓰기를 썼다보니까 내 능력이 진짜 많이 부족하네... 하고 싶은 말이 다 머릿속에 있거든... 왜 안나오지... 한국 문법 어렵다고... 싫다고 ㅜㅜ 언어를 배우려하는 사람들 힘내세요!... 저도 공감이요!ㅋㅋㅋ ^^


I've been living in Korea for over four years now! So, I was thinking to write on my blog once again after a long period of silence.

I can't even believe that four years have already passed by! Fortunately, I'm not (yet) brainwashed into believing that Kimchi is the best thing in the world! However, when it's not there I do feel there's something missing with the food! Haha! ;) Looking back, I would say that the good experiences and memories certainly outshine the bitter ones!

My first year in Korea was fun! I totally enjoyed going to language school, while doing silly role plays and studying Korean together with my fellow KGSP friends. Thanks to really wonderful teachers (이정화 선생님 deserves a special mention here!) we were able to spend an amazing year at SNU's Korean Language Institute. Although many students hated the Korean classes -especially those who didn't need Korean for their academic pursuits- after entering the real world aka SNU college, we can all agree that our time studying Korean together was really a period without many worries, allowing us to grow together while discovering all the good things about Korea! With my Korean abilities now I can get by in daily life situations but they are still very lacking. I really need to work on my Korean academic writing too! Got "only" my thesis left now. Slightly panicking right now! Haha. :D

After entering grad school, I thought I had ended up in a really bad nightmare I was desperately trying to wake up from, or even some kind of hell... I couldn't understand what the professors or the students were talking about during the classes. What I had learned in language school was helpful to overcome our challenges in every day life, but it was far from sufficient to enter college and not even close enough to barely survive Korean academics! On top of that, it was very hard to make friends in my department. Especially, since there weren't many other foreigners whom I could relate to. I felt like an island surrounded by Korean geniuses. Still, college life is nothing without good friends, so I tried to make Korean friends within the department but it didn't go as smooth as I wanted to. I'm thankful for not only my seniors and few good friends I was able to make in our department, but also my other friends who knew about the struggles of SNU life! They all took care of me and helped me to live through this Korean academic challenge (and also that horrible thesis exam, for which I studied six whole months!... Belgian students can't even imagine, right?!)!

Nowadays there are many foreigners coming to our department, so the atmosphere has changed for the better. The assistants in charge of our major's students affairs also have helped a great deal in making life easier for both Korean as well as foreign students! 

Right now I'm tutoring English as a part time job and I'm also teaching about Belgium in kindergarten and schools five times a month. In the beginning I felt really shy when having to speak Korean in front of other people, but after going to schools regularly I don't really care that much anymore, haha! Not sure if that is a good thing, though... ;)

And... Oh yes, also thank you, KakaoTalk, for existing! My life in Korea, and perhaps to a greater extend all our lives in Korea, would be totally miserable and boring without! :D

I'm also thankful to have met nice people along the way, especially when we went to Batam to do volunteer work. During those ten days we got so close and made friendship bonds we will be able to cherish for the rest of our lives! Although SNU can feel like a hell at times, it's still a great place to meet new people from all sorts of backgrounds!

To all those people, family and friends, who have supported me in any way possible during the past four years, I'd like to express an heartfelt thank you. THANK YOU SO MUCH! ♡

I still can't believe I was only 23 when first arriving here, and now I'm already 27 going on thirsty... I mean 30!

dinsdag 10 maart 2015


After the screening of the South Korean documentary “the Baby Box” (official webpage: click here), recently social-media posts about the controversial phenomenon have been resurfacing on the internet stirring up commotion and strong anti-activism. Apparently, there's a considerable amount of people (e.g. the #ThinkOutsideTheBabyBox movement) who are very much against the existence of the hatch where presumably(!) mothers can anonymously give away their unwanted baby. 

Note: due to the anonymous character, it is hard to know who exactly makes use of the baby box, but one can assume that most likely and therefore 'presumably' parents do (and likelier mothers).



"The Baby Box (Drop Box)":

"The Drop Box [Full Story] (Korean, Eng subs):

For those who have met my obsessive character already, I couldn't help but wanting to know all about it and ask everyone's opinion on this topic. So, I did a little research in order to understand this heart-wrenching phenomenon better.

After a few clicks on the world wide web, I found it quite interesting to see that in many countries the baby boxes are neither legal nor illegal, meaning that it's illegal but commonly not punished by the law, or it finds itself somewhere in a grey zone. What I was wondering was... if you consider baby boxes and adoption, how much do they differ in essence and why is adoption less controversial than the baby box? To me ethically, it doesn't differ that much. In both cases the parents (presumably) have rendered themselves incapable of taking care of their own child. What's questionable for me is promoting the baby box and adoption as the better option, because it simply isn't. Moreover, it is just one choice, usually the last one since parents will contemplate and only choose the best available option. In some countries there are more options and less stigmatizing, while in others there are less options and more stigma. I consider Belgium as the former and Korea as the latter. This could explain why in Korea there are a lot more children brought to the baby box than in Belgium.

For being an illegality, the one in Belgium has quite an official website: 

The organization is a non-profit and non-religious one called "Mothers for Mothers". The reason for them offering the baby box stated: "We want to offer desperate mothers the chance to anonymously give their baby a warm and safe home." Babies get a name and also official documents, they then go to a foster family after one month, then the family can adopt the baby after 6 months. The biological mother (presumably) can take a special envelope at the baby box and reclaim her baby within six months. They also have a emergency help line mothers can call to anonymously. So, even though the person who brings the baby to the baby box is by Belgian law an offender, there is some sort of legal framework for it, since the baby can get official documents.

Amid all the commotion, I agree with critics that a baby box is not the healthiest option. Still, in Belgium (and also in Korea) it seems better than leaving your baby alone in a desolate place, which is reported to have happened before, since those babies usually don't survive. The difference with adoption is that it happens completely anonymously, but still the baby is often reported in the news with its new name. So the mother knows the baby's new name (!), which to me is rather something doubtful and controversial.

I can also agree with the critics that support for desperate, single mothers and parents should be raised so they wouldn't have to resort to choices like abandoning their baby or bringing it to the baby box. However, in the end, I believe, when it comes to babies, it's still one's personal choice and responsibility, regardless of the motivations. And the choice of baby box or giving a baby up for adoption is never an easy one. I feel a lot of people have an opinion about the baby box as strong criticism is easy to vent, but what matters is still a life of a young and innocent human being that has the right to live. As long as there will be no direct solutions it’s still better to do what’s necessary to save a life that might have been already discarded regardless of economic and psychological support offered by governments. Alongside constructive and long term solutions, the baby box could be a humane and valuable solution, but only if it is integrated into a legal framework providing the best intentions for both parties involved. What is your opinion? 

If only now some genius would invent a box to abandon my concentration problems... or a Graduation Time Machine?! ;)

zondag 4 januari 2015


Today something wonderful happened!

In August this summer, I had put some of the broken branches of my Pachira Aquatica tree one of my living space's inhabitants since coming to Korea into a glass of water after they broke off while I was cleaning. Once in a while I checked whether the branches would start growing roots or not. I know it's possible to propagate plants and make them grow roots after they are put in water, such as mint and many other room plants. 

After many months without any visible result, I didn't check anymore but kept on refilling the glass of water, since the leaves were still very green. 

And today!!!! Today, I was wondering why those branches are still green and when I checked the water, I surprisingly saw these long roots sprouting out. I already know I'm a sucker for plants and nature in general and I also know it sounds silly, but I felt really HAPPY! Something has found the power to root down despite initially having no big chances of survival! It was as if that plant was me, after coming to Korea: empty handed without even knowing Hangeul, building everything from scratch, and slowly starting to put down roots and be able to survive in a harsh and competitive environment. 

People, similar to plants, have this great ability: to grow roots and build new life even with nothing but the basics! Cheers to all those learning how to survive in whatever circumstances encountered!

My qumquat tree, which I have been growing from seed right after coming to Korea, is still doing well. However, I have given up all hope on ever seeing fruit on my little, super slow growing tree. After receiving my love, I can't believe you only grew 20cm in the past 3 years and half!!! :O My coffee plant needs a lot of water and is steadily growing bigger but probably won't bear any beans either!

How wonderful life is, when you're...
able to keep plants alive!

Many plants have come and left... these are the die hards/sole survivors of a student's life and travelling!

My room is always sunny. Will miss this place a lot after moving in February! 

Although I decided not to really celebrate Christmas this year, I still got a gift from my Secret Santa! Thanks to a very special person! Miss you, Jiyoung! Hope our paths will cross again this year, girl! :)

zaterdag 3 januari 2015

ADIEU 2014, WELCOME 2015!

It's 2015, a new year and time for some intro- and retrospection!

2014 was the year of many first times! First time being held back at the Airport for passport problems (Gosh, wrong information on the embassy's website!!!); first time real solo travelling without any planning! Not a good idea but glad it all turned out well in the country of mango, white beaches and everlasting rice fields; and the first time having year '88 friends announcing they are expecting babies. Yep, it has officially begun!

In the meantime, I've finished my coursework. So, what's left now is 'only' that thesis, which seems to be a (very) long project. Again, some good friends have graduated and left Korea. Miss you both a lot, Lili and Luis! We will meet again fur sure, hopefully this year!

I was happy to be reunited with my family and friends in Belgium and Ireland this summer, after two years of no homecoming. A lot has changed in the city where I grew up and studied. Still, somehow it felt as if I had never left. My cat is already 14 years old but active as never before. It made me believe that cats do have multiple lives!

And I finally kept my promises and visited long time friends, who I failed to meet again in the past 8 years. Thank you so much Denise, My and Huong for proving that friendships can overcome time! 

Another great year spent in Seoul, with ups and downs, but always with the support of my lovely friends. Thank y'all! Let's make 2015 another great year in Kimchiland! 

Love, Lara

Last year's 2013 in retrospect! :)

Looking back at how 2013 was for me, I would say it was unforgettable in many good and bad ways! This year I was able to (re)meet amazing people while travelling to Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore and Indonesia. Many of these people have left a lasting impression within me and some have also become really wonderful friends. I like living in Seoul and I'm grateful towards the people who have always supported me. I've become very much accustomed to the Korean way of living (even the spicy KIMCHI!), in a way it makes me somehow a little nervous when thinking about having to leave in the end. However this doesn't mean I haven't missed home! It's a cliche, and therefore it bears some truth: the longer you stay away, the more you come to realize what is important and what is not. How you may turn it, having family and friends who support you unconditionally might be one of the most important things in life. And some of the friends I held very dear have either left South Korea, drifted away, or have left without a warning... Having family and friends to miss, isn't it a bittersweet feeling?! In the past year, my Korean has improved, however I feel frustrated since it's not good enough and it will never be... Forgetting (for a second) about the struggles of writing decent papers in Korean, I agree that the Korean language is amazing, not only because of its richness in sounds and expressiveness but also because of its level of difficulty! Hopefully 2013 has brought y'all plenty of amazing memories to cherish and I hope 2014 will be even better! Cheers! x Lara