donderdag 29 september 2011


Almost one month in Seoul and autumn has arrived... my favorite season. I'm wandering around SNU Campus, watching the trees changing their colors. Now they are yellow, propably next week some of them will turn red and after that their leafs will start whirling down. When it will rain softly, people will put on their rainboots and jackets... A brisky wind blowing through our hair, while we'll be running with umbrellas trying to find a nice place to drink a cup of coffee.. How can I not love autumn?!

I went to Daejun with KGSP. We went by bus down South for about 3 hours... including 30 mins of traffic jam. Our two days stay was nice, because it was relaxed and nice to be out of Seoul for some days. We saw many traditional Korean performances and there was a talentshow too (a lot of students from other univerities had signed up to perform!) The next day we went to the museum and did a workshop (= making something really kitchy).

We've been on the rooftop of our building. The view is even more amazing than from my window! A view of 365 degrees, and we can see a part downtown Seoul!

My little botanic garden has a new member: a plant with red roses or a redrosesplant.

I'm getting used to eating more spicy things.

I've almost finished my Aloe Vera juice, it took me some time as it is SO sweet and jellyish. Actually, I juice it to sejuice my guests when they come to visit my room! :)

Next week I'm going to have a test on Friday, to test my Korean listening, writing and talking skills of course. Koreans would probably say: "Fighting!!!" while they simultaneously do the typical *handmove* or they would say 공부하곘어요! Kongbuhakessoyo! I will study! Ofte 'k zal mijn best doen, zoals we dat zeggen in het Nederlands! :)

Yesterday I met my Korean buddy, Jaeran... She's really cute and sweet. I can feel that we will become good friends. She has sent me a message that she feels that we are on the same level and wants to see me earlier again this week. B)

I like my Korean neigbour boys in room 813. I'll call them X and Y, because their names are still hard to remember! ;) And you probably don't know them anyhow. If you do so; please tell me, so we can find a way to remember their names! X is funny. We've been watching some TV in our common kitchen and he tried my Belgian pralines. Y has helped Wang Wei and me with our 'funny role play' / dialogue. We have to write a Korean dialogue every week, each time with a different classmate and we have to show this in class. As you can guess... this is not one of my favorite things. Y also helped to find a way to play movies directly from my USB! Now I can finally watch Colin Pharell in Brugge / In Bruges. A Brittish guy from school told me it's a good movie and that he really liked Brugge-in-the-movie. Well I'll let you know! (I told him Brugge is just the town where old people live! :D and that some tourists think it's an amusement park because they are asking for the closingtime!)

I'm getting closer with my classmates, we all are! I like going to school every morning and also enjoy the break times so we can talk freely about not really important things. Like when and what kind of mobile phone we're going to buy... We finally got our ARC's! :)

I'm having my first Korean cold. My guilty roommate Anna in Daejun introduced me to him! Anyhow, he will go away soon, we are not friends. He can make plenty of other friends on campus! :)

Next week there is a holiday again! Jeej.


I can never get enough of my window view but I should never say never :)

Meeting on Shervins birthday to play boardgames

Snakes & ladders for more than 3 hours

Walter got kicked out hmmm.... four or five times?! :D

Trip to Daejun

I am trying to make a group picture next to the other people trying even harder

One of the many different kinds of traditional Korean dresses

My classmate Umer representing SNU, playing his Pakistani flute with style!

Our Yonsei friends participating in the talentshow...

at the museum

Giant and gross

They are so cute you just want to hug them!

some strange 80's monument

studentclubactivities + concerts in the evening (er waren zeer veel mensen zat en ze dansten raar)

girls rehearsing some sexy dance moves

I'll never get tired of my window view!

On top of our building 902

My Vietnamese floormate

Een heuvel op weg naar school

Een mini! zeer zeldzaam in Korea, net zoals alle automerken die niet Koreaans zijn! Ver alle auto's zijn van het merk Hyundae!

we gingen studeren maar beseften dat een dutje doen veel minder vermoeiend is

we gingen studeren, maar toen beseften we dat de zon scheen en er een warm briesje was

Herfst terwijl België een Indian Summer heeft

Een kerk met een neon kruis, Christelijk op z'n Koreaans.

Naksungdae market

The autumn colors I love

I am an ALIEN! (Aliens can look frightened too!)

red doesn't sleep!

dinsdag 20 september 2011



The campus life is totally different from my university experience so far. As you know SNU campus is very big and green. It's located between hills and I'm sure a part of it is also built on it. When I was walking back to my dorm last week, I got the feeling that these hills were killing me. It was too hot! :) But just like in Belgium, it seems that autumn has arrived here aswell... Yesterday the temperature dropped with 10 degrees! From 30 tot 20, so chilly! But today was nicer again, and according the the weather forecast we will have a nice week with temperatures around 23 degrees and sunshine. I'm looking forward to the autumn season, as it is my favourite. I like the changing colors of the leaves, the bleak wind and the rain. When the weather cools down, I would like to go hiking around campus. I heard that there is one beautiful mountain with a little temple on top. 

My days are relaxed without being boring. Basically I wake up around 7h45 in the morning. I take a shower, check some e-mails while I'm eating my bowl of cornflakes. At 8h30 I go down to Julieta's floor and knock on her door. We walk to school every morning, it only takes us 15 minutes. Every weekday we have class from 9am until 1pm. Every 50 minutes we have a ten minutes break and one breaks lasts for 20 mins. During the break we drink some water (!), eat a snack, drink some coffee and hang around in the courtyard. I like my classmates, 11 in total: Edwin from Culumbia, Baseem from Yemen, Wangwei from China, Emily from the USA, Hugo from Canada, Ramla from Tunesia, Umer from Pakistan, Harshraj from India, Lenka from Czech, Shervin from Iran, Ereden from Mongolia and my Belgian self. Everybody is from another country and although we have another background, we're having a lot of fun together.:) For me the Korean classes are still not too difficult, because Korean is so similar to the Japanese and Chinese language (probably that's why all of this is still funny! Who knows... maybe they will eventually implement some rigid teaching manners like in the Korean army). And I can feel that the pace and level of the classes will go up very rapidly, so I better pay attention and study some in advance. :) After class we all go to have lunch together in one of the many cafeterias of our campus. In the afternoon we often study, relax together, go to downtown Seoul or to the Naksungdae area to buy some stuff like fruits. In the evening we usually gather to have dinner together. Sometimes we eat in our kitchen while we are watching Korean dramas, sometimes we go out eating.

When we feel like we don't want to be in our dorms all the time, we can just walk outside and enjoy the green environment. You can practice a lot of sports, but I don't know yet how to arrange all this. I once went with Tyler to a place that we call 'our secret bench' to read a book and watch the scenery. When I received the news of my graduation Julieta, Tyler and I got ourselves some beers + sweets and went sitting at the pond to celebrate the fact that I'm a Japanologist now. Although I know these different people for only a few weeks, it feels great getting to know them. Both Julieta and Tyler are interesting personalities and we all got here because of different reasons, so it was interesting to listen to each other's stories about how we winded up here. :) Too bad I cannot celebrate my graduation together with my classmates in Gent! Anyhow, I don't mind NOT wearing the silly toga and hat!

To compensate for still not having a roommate I got myself some roommates: I bought three little plants. One of them already had a flower after one week. I also had to buy me something to soften my bed, because it was just too hard to sleep on. And I also found something to cover my matras (in Belgium we call it 'bedsprei'). Korean people, just like in Japan, usually sleep on a cushion/matras/futon which they can put on the floor when they are going to sleep. In the morning they fold it up again and store it in a closet, so they can use the room for other things. (Building skyscrapers including rooms with multifunctions, could this be the future for our increasing population growth and consequently the earth's lack of livingspace?! I'm already living in a mini-scraper! ;)) Anyhow, it wasn't easy to find something like a 'bedsprei' for my matras, as they don't use this here. I'm happy I brought a cover for my blanket (hoeslaken). My bed finally looks cosy now. :)


*Fruits are quite expensive in S-Korea, because they import a lot of it (my guess would be from China). But I feel I'm not eating enough fruit, so today I went to the market in Naksungdae to buy a melon, grapes (I guess they're grown in Korea as they taste really strange :)) and sharonfruit (I've put them on my windowsill so they can ripen some more. They are still a little bit hard, that's probably why they were so cheap :D).

*Supermarkets sell so many different kind of brands, I think it's even more varied than in Belgium. Today I wanted to buy milk. They didn't seem to sell the brand of milk I'd bought before! And I also couldn't understand what was written on the boxes and packages but I think I saw 15 different kind of milk brands, 10 different kind of washing powders and so on. Shopping is an exhausting activity, because I cannot yet understand what is written on the products, so making a good choice is hard.

*I finally have a Korean buddy! I enrolled in a 'buddy program' at school. Korean students at SNU can sign up as volunteers to meet and help a new foreign student. My buddy her name is Han Jaeran (한재란). She was busy today, that's why we couldn't meet at the buddy orientation. But she has sent me an email to apologize. I think and hope she's nice. :)

*In awaiting of a much cooler hobby I'm watching clouds, which is perfectly fine for me now. I want to participate in Taekwando and Korean cooking class... But I need to find out the basic information first, like "when, where and how much dinero".

*The Museum of Modern Art (MoA) is a really nice building. We have two museums on our campus. This modern one, and a more traditional one about history and sec things like that.

*I will be gone for two days to Daejun, on a scholarship trip (Thursday and Friday). NIIED will give us an orientation (again!) and offers us an environment to get to know other KGSP (Korean Government Scholarship Program) students from all over S-Korea. 'k Ben benieuwd!


Everywhere I go this (brand)name reminds me of one special person

Reclamefilmpjes zelfs in de rekken! Die Koreanen houden echt van schermpjes en reclamefilmpjes.
ON CAMPUS: mijn gebouw(902) was nog niet gebouwd, toen ze deze kaart maakten!
Mijn nieuw donsdeken, matrasmatje en kussen... Eindelijk! Lekker zacht slapen.


MoA werd gebouwd door de befaamde Rem Koolhaas

Erg sjieke conferentie/lezingruimte

Mijn been is misschien iets te lang voor deze pose ;)

Readig books with Tyler on our 'secret bench'

practicing my hobby

Every two weeks we have to do a 'funny role play'. Umer (Pakistan) and Hugo (Canada) definitely won the price!

Two other classmates, Edwin (Columbia) and Lenka (Czech)

Everybody is enjoying class so much, especially Emily (USA) on the left.

Baseem pretending not to look in the camera

A joyful day: my plant has its first flower! :) <3

My green roommate

My little tree

Plenty of time to practice my new hobby, I never get bored!

Practicing my other hobby aswell: homework

From now on my bed is soft and I sleep like a rose!