zondag 2 september 2012


Here I am, 여기, here I am... Waiting at gate A49 ready to fly back to my other home, Seoul. Three weeks of being a tourist have come to an end so soon. With different eyes I've experienced the place where I grew up. It felt great to be on a holiday in a place so familiar yet so different. I truly enjoyed my time here thanks to my nice family and friends. :) I will miss my home but being on a holiday in your own country is still very weird. So it's time to go back to Korea, the country of forever kimchi and superficial K-pop. One advise for the young and maybe also the old. When you really want something, just go for it because tomorrow will always be tomorrow and later might never come. Travel the world, see her from a different point of view and never stop being curious!!! :) Picture will follow when I reach back there! So long! ♥ Lara, 라라 ♥