❤ ❤ ❤ Hello! Hallo! Hey! 안녕하세요! ❤ ❤ ❤
After a very long time we're back from weggeweest! Right now I'm on my way to a whole new adventure: my first Korean play!
How did it started? A few weeks ago I applied to become a "Korea Performance Supporter" organized and funded by KTO (Korea Tourist Organization). With this application I have signed up for watching 15 Korean plays and performances over a period of six weeks and all of this for FREE! (Most of the tickets are 55000won, around 55$! ^^)
Well I must say I'm really excited and curious, because I have no idea what to expect! For the coming weeks I will ejoy some of Korea's most popular performances. So my first play will be Miso! While I hear the typical women's voice announcing the subway stops I'm coming nearer to the one where I have to go for my first Korean performance: 시청 or City Hall! We will be arriving in twenty minutes. Later on, I'll keep you updated with some short reviews about the shows I'll get to see! :)
Meanwhile, 'cause I've been out of this blogging thing for a while, SUMMER has really kicked off in Seoul. Daily enjoyable temperatures up to 28 degrees and every 10 days a rain shower.
After another term of ten weeks I've finished my third level of Korean language course. Consequently I'm spending a (well deserved) three weeks holiday right now. I'm realizing that time is flying at the speed of light. I can't believe I'm already in Korea for almost NINE months! This country is a fascinating place to stay... different 'everything': people, seasons, worlviews, habits,... I don't regret coming here. Ok, the train is about to arrive... Catch up with you later!
I'm on the subway again on my way back, so let's continue... Right, where were we?! Oh! Yes...
What's new:
- My Korean is now level 3... Which means beginning of being intermediate. Still when I watch TV I'm so lost... like a stream of sounds.
- I couldn't resist the temptation of the watermelons so I bought one for the hallucinating price of 25000 won: 25$! So it might be true what they say: everything expensive should be good?! It's delicous, that's for sure. ;)
- I've met the president of Korea on an event where I was VIP ^^! I forgot how he exactly looked like, so I was first taking pictures of his bodyguard! Sorry MR. Myung-Bak. HAHA :D
- I went to a Korean army base and sat in a wildly riding tank and shot with guns (scary!) Although many couragous men, I didn't find my handsome Korean stud over there. We were not allowed to take pictures, but I sneakly did (of the tanks not of the men ;)).
- I will go to YEOSU EXPO 2012... FOR FREE! YAY! JOEPIEJEEJ! Now it sounds like everything here is for free. Uhm, well... it's true many things seem to be free in Korea... especially for scholarship students. I cannot count the times I've got some gift or souvenir. But most of the time I got tissues (very useless if you have a stash that high you don't know what to do with it), post-its or plastieken mapkes om u papieren in te steken. But I've also got a nice paper fan, a 16GB USB, stylos, keyhangers, some Korean chopsticks and spoons, some diaries (iew that sounds dirrty) to write in, seeds to plant, boxes of soap and toothpaste. :D
- I've made yoghurt myself for the first time. I didn't know it was easy like that!
- I went to my first stadium concert: Lady Gaga. It/she was ok. I prefer festival concerts: everybody pays the same price and everybody has the chance to see artists from closeby... in stadium concerts it's not like that.
- I've become a Korea Performance Supporter
Meet the president of Korea and his orange jacket |
Party crashing with July, Hugo and Raj |
sexy girls for the guys |
followed by papparazi! ;) |
at school: preparing for our play (in which boys were girls, and I was a guy!) :D |
my Korean class, although Lenka, Ramla, Armando and Sangnam not on the picture |
With my DISCO STICK...So ready for LADY GAGA! |
in school during the break |
On campus |
With my Chinese friend Jin, and my sister July |
On campus, next to our pond |
International food festival at City Hall, close to the river |
cascades in the city |
under the bridge by the riverside where romantic couples are kissing |
laser show over the river |
ISF ART PARTY: meeting Korean artists |
Having lunch with Korean artists |
on the subway |
behind the engineering building, on the way to the temple |
미친 사람! |
tree hugger Harshraj |
kimchi pots |
one of our teachers LEE sonsengnim.... She's like our second mother! <3
end of our term- ceremony: picture time! level 3... we accomplished! |
Our class... absent: Lenka, Sangnam and Emily |
Harshraj, India |
Hugo, Canada |
Wang Wei, China |
Baseem, Jemen |
Umer, Pakistan |
Eredene, Mongolia |
Ramla, Tunesia |
Shervin, Iran |
Armando, Mexico |
Eating 군대밥, soldier's meal |
they really eat so fast: finish in less than ten minutes! |
how ironical a tank with rasta flags |
sneakly taking pictures of North Korean view |
the girl who made my new shoes: CANVAS PAPER SHOES... love the concept, love the packaging, love the design! |
a heavy and super over expensive watermelon |
you have to eat it deliciously as it is very exclusive in Korea! |
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