When I'm writing this I can hear the ticking sound of the rain falling on the windows of the balcony. I love rainy summer days: how wonderful to walk in the rain under an umbrella, stay inside watching movies, watch the cars passing by and not do anything?!
On the 29th of August 2011, I came to Korea for the first time. Which means that today is the exact day that I am in Korea for two years. I noticed I haven't been writing on this blog for almost a year. So, I thought it's about time we get back to it.
Looking back on the past two years, I can see I have had a splendid time! The first year was amazing! I will never forget how it felt to leave one life behind and start a new adventure in a totally new country. I am still me... but I felt so free, to go to a place where nobody knows you and you can build and work out a whole new life.
During my first year I was studying Korean in the Language Institute of SNU. During that period, I was able to meet many interesting and inspiring new people who have left a permanent mark on me and have enriched my life in a way I can hardly describe. After language school I entered college. My first semester as a graduate student in SNU was terrible because of the small cultural differences, the different way of teaching, my insufficient academic Korean language ability and the difficulty of the major I chose. However, after mentally struggling for a couple of months I was able to make it to the second semester and even finish it with OK grades. In a few days I will start my third semester... needless to say, with mixed feelings.
Living in Korea has made me a different person, enriching myself with alternative ways of thinking and analyzing the cultural differences that are only visible if you dig deeper beneath the surface. I have experienced that sometimes, when times are harsh it is tempting to complain about how things are and see things from a negative perspective. However the longer I live in Korea the more I can appreciate this country and its people. And I know that everywhere I will live there will always be good and less good things. That's why, it's my challenge to always see the good things and quickly forget about the less good things! :)
In the past two years I was able to travel here and there. I have been to Jeju, travelled in Korea to different places, to Thailand with a Korean friend, to Vietnam to relive glorious times, Indonesia and Singapore to do volunteer work. Travelling and always coming back to Korea has given me the chance to understand this country better and discover the similarities and differences with other countries. I believe this has opened my mind and taught me how to appreciate who I am, where I am and what I have.
Since April I am also a member of the Junior AJA (Asian Journalist Association) program. AJA is a non profit association that aims to provide transparent news about Asia from a global perspective. I was reporting important news about Belgium and writing short articles on various topics. The program gave me the chance to learn more about journalism and meet great people, who, I hope, I will continue to be able to meet in the future. Click on the names to visit the website of AJA and its magazine The AsiaN!
Many of my family and friends have visited me in the past two years and I have always enjoyed spending time and hanging out together, speaking Dutch and complaining about the spicy food. ;) Thank you to (in visiting order!:): Arne, mama, Jan, Francis, Katrien, papa, Matthias, Geoff (+ Tim and Matthias) for stopping by and having a great time together. I am still waiting for certain people to come, and if YOU are reading this... you know whom I'm talking about! ;) Many times I miss friends who live far away and have wished they were here next beside me. I was thinking... wouldn't it be great if I build a country called Laraland where we all can live happy together?! :)
If I make up a balance, I realize I am having many great once in a lifetime experiences and that I have met and continue to meet a lot of wonderful people from all around the world. For that reason, I will always be thankful for getting this opportunity to come to study in South Korea! I'll let you know when I meet Kim Jong Eun. He then can be added to my list of (less wonderful) people I have met.
Visit the funny website about Kim Jong Il looking at things! Click here!
Visit the funny website about Kim Jong Il looking at things! Click here!
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